Do I need an IT team at my business to make sure that my organization is more secure?

In short, no, your organization does not need an on-premise information technology (IT) team or director. But you do want to make sure your business has somebody on staff to liaise with third-party IT organizations, such as Infuzion Solutions. This person's job may not deal directly with IT, but they should be labeled as the point person who manages all IT-partner relationships and services.
This staff member must also take the lead in making important decisions regarding ways to keep the company safe and secure.
For example, a human resource manager could manage these responsibilities, or perhaps a controller. They do not need to work with IT directly, but they need to know the right resource.
The most important IT resource your organization can have is its chosen security software and any contracted third-party IT specialists who help configure and monitor software investments and prepare organizations for any potential failures.
A third-party IT expert like Infuzion Solutions can help a businesses' leadership answer questions such as:
Is my organization properly leveraging our current security investments, and are we getting what we paid for?
Have we tested our network security investments, and do they meet our expectations?
What do we need to do next to move towards a more secure organization? ​
Our infrastructure and IT specialists at Infuzion Solutions provide consulting services to companies in selecting, implementing, and supporting security software. So instead of hiring an IT staff member, organizations can take advantage of a fully equipped team at Infuzion Solutions who can support software for a portion of the cost.